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Celtic Cross Quarter Spring Equinox Festival at Loughcrew March 2023


'The Cairn at Loughcrew in March 2017'

The Celtic festival between Imbolc and Bealtaine, when Day and Night are equal. New life and light will come, with new beginnings, paths and seeds. All of nature is growing and manifesting now in a soft whirl of creative energy. It is time to be in touch with the instinctive wild forces within and without, to be aware of the potency of the life-force and its power on the physical, spiritual and mystical levels. I will be going there on the morning of the 21st of March to meet the sunrise. If you feel called to join in ceremony, please let me know and we can organise to gather and celebrate on the hill as we did back in 2017 with Uuduu, a Mongolian Shaman. It actually snowed for our arrival that year, t'was so magical. Some photos following....

Spring Equinox 2017 with Uuduu, Mongolian Shaman

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