About the Circle
These monthly women’s full moon circle's are a gathering of women, soul sisters, from all walks of life, all ages, coming together around the time of the full moon to share, cleanse, reflect and connect with the wisdom and beauty of each other, the moon, life and our journey.
There is a theme each month connected with the cycle of the moon, the seasons, our universe and ourselves. This is a safe and confidential group and so attendance is confirmed with a follow up phone call if you are new to the group. This allows us all to share openly and explore each theme in a deep and meaningful way.
Slow down and re-connect with like-minded people, supporting each other through the sharing of our wisdom. These gatherings are facilitated and held in a safe and sacred space, offering beautiful ceremonies of shamanic origins. Sometimes, they will be held at The Dublin Wellbeing Centre, 24 Frederick Street South, Dublin 2 and other times outside in nature and sometimes at sacred sites.
These gatherings offer an opportunity to take time out, slow down, connect with the land, ourselves and our community with talking stick and fire ceremonies.
Re-Ignite your creative spirit, re-awaken your inner guidance, and remember what it feels like to be in a sacred community. Engage with your very own creative power.
These circles take place from 7pm-10pm and consist of:
• Time to arrive, have a cuppa, meet people and settle in (between 6.45 pm and 7 pm) • You may like to bring an offering for our alter • opening of sacred space (7pm) • casting our confidential circle • a timely cleanse • a group share (your thoughts and reflections on the chosen theme, your journey and plans) No need for any preparation, just allow yourself to speak from your heart and if you decide not to share that is fine too but I highly recommend it :-))))) • A small break to refresh, have a cuppa and prepare for our main ceremony • Ceremony - Theme Event We will finish off with a fire ceremony • Closing of our circle and sacred space • when it will be time to head home safely in the moonlight.
Cost: €30
Reasons why women come to this event
(Comments by Women for Women) "To continue the connection of all that I am & who we are." "To be with other like-minded women and not have to talk about skinny jeans!" "To sit in circle with the energy of sisterhood - to be myself & be accepted in the circle." "To support each other and feel the power of the community of Women." "Full Moons are a great time for women to meet." "I need calm nurturing female energy." "A break and detox from male energy." "To learn more and to build a new community." "I want wisdom to know what you know."
Please click here to book your spot now!